News Bangladesh

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Published: 14:22, 25 February 2021

Postponed exams of NU now scheduled for May 24

Postponed exams of NU now scheduled for May 24

All examinations under National University (NU), which were postponed due to Covid-19, will begin on May 24 with a revised routine.

Postponed examinations of all courses, including the second-year exam of Degree pass and certificate course of 2019 and final year master's exam of 2018 will begin from May 24, NU said in a press release.

Besides, the first-year admission test process (2020-2021) will begin on June 8, 2021, the press release said.

The NU authorities have called upon the students to take preparation accordingly.

Details of the revised timetable have been published on the university's website (